Thursday, June 30, 2005


There are so many lessons we learn from people we meet. I don't know why.. but somehow we ignore them after a certain point of time and do the same mistakes again and again....

Probably it is human nature to learn and forget lessons over a period of time...

I learnt from my friendship with DJ that we can put all effort in doing good to a friend... but never expect that person to do the same to you. Give and Forgive. Do good and forget. U do good to others for ur self, to feel happy, to feel that u have done something good.
But we nullify the good feeling by expecting the other person to do good to us. Free yourself from expectations from friends.... you will not feel disppointed by them then.

Another lesson that has relevance to friends and which I learnt from Taps is to leave everyone to their own lives. Friends will come to you when they want to. Don't force them to come to you. The analogy of the water in the open palm applies here. Leave the water where it is and don't close your palm, the water remains with you. You try to close the palm or move the water someplace else, it will fall and go away.


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